• To learn the Network Models and datalink layer functions.
  • To understand routing in the Network
  • To explore methods of communication and congestion control by the Transport Layer.
  • To study the Network Security Mechanisms.
  • To learn various hardware security attacks and their countermeasures.

UNIT I                    NETWORK MODELS AND DATALINK LAYER                                                  9

Overview of Networks and its Attributes – Network Models – OSI, TCP/IP, Addressing – Introduction to Datalink Layer – Error Detection and Correction – Ethernet(802.3)- Wireless LAN – IEEE 802.11, Bluetooth – Flow and Error Control Protocols – HDLC – PPP.

UNIT II                   NETWORK LAYER PROTOCOLS                                                                       9

Network Layer – IPv4 Addressing – Network Layer Protocols(IP,ICMP and Mobile IP) Unicast and Multicast Routing – Intradomain and Interdomain Routing Protocols – IPv6 Addresses – IPv6 – Datagram Format – Transition from IPv4 to IPv6.

UNIT III                  TRANSPORT AND APPLICATION LAYERS                                                      9

Transport Layer Protocols – UDP and TCP Connection and State Transition Diagram – Congestion Control and Avoidance(DEC bit, RED)- QoS – Application Layer Paradigms – Client – Server Programming – Domain Name System – World Wide Web, HTTP, Electronic Mail.


UNIT IV                 NETWORK SECURITY                                                                                         9

OSI Security Architecture – Attacks – Security Services and Mechanisms – Encryption –Advanced Encryption Standard – Public Key Cryptosystems – RSA Algorithm – Hash Functions – Secure Hash Algorithm – Digital Signature Algorithm.

UNIT V                  HARDWARE SECURITY                                                                                      9

Introduction to hardware security, Hardware Trojans, Side – Channel Attacks – Physical Attacks and Countermeasures – Design for Security. Introduction to Blockchain Technology.

Experiments using C

  1. Implement the Data Link Layer framing methods,
    1. Bit stuffing, (ii) Character stuffing
  2. Implementation of Error Detection / Correction Techniques
    1. LRC, (ii) CRC, (iii) Hamming code
  3. Implementation of Stop and Wait, and Sliding Window Protocols
  4. Implementation of Go back-N and Selective Repeat
  5. Implementation of Distance Vector Routing algorithm (Routing Information Protocol) (Bellman-Ford).
  6. Implementation of Link State Routing algorithm (Open Shortest Path First) with 5 nodes (Dijkstra’s).
  7. Data encryption and decryption using Data Encryption Standard
  8. Data encryption and decryption using RSA (Rivest, Shamir and Adleman)
  9. Implement Client Server model using FTP

Experiments using Tool Command Language

  1. Implement and realize the Network Topology – Star, Bus and Ring using NS2.
  2. Implement and perform the operation of CSMA/CD and CSMA/CA using NS2.


Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to CO1: Explain the Network Models, layers and functions.

CO2: Categorize and classify the routing protocols.

CO3: List the functions of the transport and application layer.

CO4: Evaluate and choose the network security mechanisms.

CO5: Discuss the hardware security attacks and countermeasures.



  1. A.Forouzan, Data Communication and Networking, Fifth Edition, TMH, 2017.(Unit


  1. William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security, Seventh Edition, Pearson Education, 2017(Unit- IV)
  2. Bhunia Swarup, Hardware Security –A Hands On Approach,Morgan Kaufmann, First edition, (Unit – V).


  1. F.Kurose and Keith.W.Ross, Computer Networking – A Top – Down Approach, Sixth Edition, Pearson, 2017.
  2. Doughlas .E.Comer, Computer Networks and Internets with Internet Applications, Fourth Edition, Pearson Education,

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