CS3351                           DATA STRUCTURES                   L T P C


  • To understand the concepts of
  • To Learn linear data structures – lists, stacks, and
  • To understand non-linear data structures – trees and
  • To understand sorting, searching and hashing
  • To apply Tree and Graph

UNIT I               LISTS                                                                                                                          9

Abstract Data Types (ADTs) – List ADT – Array-based implementation – Linked list implementation

– Singly linked lists – Circularly linked lists – Doubly-linked lists – Applications of lists – Polynomial ADT – Radix Sort – Multilists.

UNIT II              STACKS AND QUEUES                                                                                            9

Stack ADT – Operations – Applications – Balancing Symbols – Evaluating arithmetic expressions- Infix to Postfix conversion – Function Calls – Queue ADT – Operations – Circular Queue – DeQueue

– Applications of Queues.

UNIT III             TREES                                                                                                                         9

Tree ADT – Tree Traversals – Binary Tree ADT – Expression trees – Binary Search Tree ADT – AVL Trees – Priority Queue (Heaps) – Binary Heap.


UNIT IV             MULTIWAY SEARCH TREES AND GRAPHS                                                          9

B-Tree – B+ Tree – Graph Definition – Representation of Graphs – Types of Graph – Breadth-first traversal – Depth-first traversal –– Bi-connectivity – Euler circuits – Topological Sort – Dijkstra’s algorithm – Minimum Spanning Tree – Prim’s algorithm – Kruskal’s algorithm

UNIT V              SEARCHING, SORTING AND HASHING TECHNIQUES                                        9

Searching – Linear Search – Binary Search. Sorting – Bubble sort – Selection sort – Insertion sort – Shell sort –. Merge Sort – Hashing – Hash Functions – Separate Chaining – Open Addressing –Rehashing – Extendible Hashing.


At the end of this course, the students will be able to: CO1: Define linear and non-linear data structures.

CO2: Implement linear and non–linear data structure operations.

CO3: Use appropriate linear/non–linear data structure operations for solving a given problem.

CO4: Apply appropriate graph algorithms for graph applications. CO5: Analyze the various searching and sorting algorithms.



  1. Mark Allen Weiss, Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education,
  2. Kamthane, Introduction to Data Structures in C, 1st Edition, Pearson Education, 2007



  1. Langsam, Augenstein and Tanenbaum, Data Structures Using C and C++, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education,
  2. Thomas Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L.Rivest, Clifford Stein, Introduction to Algorithms”, Fourth Edition, Mcgraw Hill/ MIT Press, 2022.
  3. Alfred Aho, Jeffrey D. Ullman,John E. Hopcroft ,Data Structures and Algorithms, 1st edition, Pearson, 2002.
  4. Kruse, Data Structures and Program Design in C, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education,


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